So after another amazing couple of months in Australia, a time filled with festivals; Woodford friends; a getaway at Rainbow Beach (backed by walls a multi shade of sandy yellows); and the beautiful hinterland vistas in the Sunshine Coast, I made my way back to New Zealand. Back to the mountain.
A couple of months into the job, less than one week into the madness of school holidays, I’m sat by the fire as snow storms down from the sky. Roads are closed and I left a 50cm snow angel in our front garden.
All of the hard work and training has come to fruition as our landscape dazzles white.
My day yesterday turned from a bad weather day, to a day waiting to discover if we would be able to evacuate the mountain, or if I should have taken my sleeping bag with me to work. Weather crept through our rental shop door as gales rushed across the plaza. After hours of work our transport team managed to get all customers and staff to safety before the day was over.
I think it’s safe to say winter has arrived.