Just a short train ride south, Woodford is a world away from the life I lived in Bundaberg. In the country, surrounded by greenery, the suffocating packing shed is but a distant memory.

Having found out about Woodford Folk Festival through a friend, I secured a volunteer position as part of the setup crew. Working from 10th to 24th December, we then get a week off to enjoy the festival before the pack down begins.

As part of the Venue Ceiling crew, I was draping all nature of material inside the tent roof to help create the desired ambience for that area. A world away from anything I have previously done, I learnt to consider factors which would not previously have crossed my mind (and which it appears, was not fully considered by the person charged with purchasing the material). Heavy, sequinned, mesh and stretching Lycra are just two materials that should never be considered for draping from a ceiling!

Ceiling – view from the ladder

I’ve spent days hoisting ladders from place to place, working in such intense heat within the roof of a tent you can almost feel your brain begin to melt. And I’ve watched as our measuring, cutting, attaching, stapling and zip tying, develop into something to be proud of.

I’ve had evenings bonding in the camp ground, walked up Woodfordia hill to witness illuminated stick twirling under the full moon. Felt excited energy spread through the tents as an expected storm grew near, hearing wind rush forward long before it reached me, pink forks cutting through the dusky sky. I’ve experienced the incredible skills of those around me, both through several organised talent nights and as artistic and ingenious creations appear throughout the town.

Excitement grows as the storm draws in

The food we are provided with far exceeded expectations. The company is incredible. A community of warm hearted, accepting individuals, each encouraging the next to follow their passions, strangers greeting each other whole heatedly as they pass by. Our dining area is situated by a pond, the surrounding trees lit by gentle coloured lighting, a communal piano always attracting a skilled player to accompany our meals.

Campsite sunset

Two weeks and yet it feels like a lifetime. This feels like my life, my job and I’m not quite sure how I will feel as it changes first into a festival and then into a memory.

As we completed our final day of work yesterday, it felt as if our small town festival was ending. A new larger, bustling community beginning to emerge.