It has been a long time since I wrote something here, what a busy couple of years it has been with many unexpected twists along the way (for all of us I’m sure). 

As my life transitioned from a backpacker who picked up work along the way, to what is known as a digital nomad (someone who works remotely whilst travelling), as well as finding someone to share my life and travels with, I found that my time to sit down and write slipped away from me.

I spent the good part of the last two years teaching English online, building a reliable student base and transitioning from teaching children to adults (feeling more comfortable doing the latter). This was however, only ever an interim for me, it was a way to keep earning money while I travelled but not where my passions lie.

Over the past year I made yet another transition, from English teacher to remote trainee accountant, with a hope to use the financial skills I learn to help create more sustainable business practices. I have a long way to go on this journey, but am certainly excited for what is to come and for the knowledge I have yet to absorb.

And so, have I now settled, stopped travelling? Not quite. During my absence here I made it to Georgia, India, Sri Lanka (for a second time), England, a tiny snippet of France and Switzerland, Italy, England (again) and Scotland (where I currently rest my head)! 

Blog posts have been given the date close to the time events occurred, despite some being written with a two-year delay. This is so my ‘Archive’ function will make sense and so I don’t get too confused when I look back at past events! So you will find posts relating to Georgia, India, etc. dated before this one (sorry for the confusion!).

Although I now mostly move from place to place much slower than I once did (something I had started to do before the Covid events we have all been facing these past two years), I have still not found one place to settle. At least, not one geographical place. Me and my partner have in fact recently purchased ourselves a home, but this one happens to be the kind that floats and sails…

As my life begins to settle into some kind of routine once more, I hope to once again begin to share the ups and the downs, the hard work, the excitement and the (sure to be plentiful) unexpected stories that are all to come!